earphil 25th October 2011

Dear Beth Ann.This is from one of your admirers from long ago. I never had the pleasure of meeting your precious son, Levi. I have looked at each of his photos, and read each of your friends comments posted here. I get a picture of a young adventurer, struggling with life. Moving in circles. Trying to discover himself. A sincere love and respect of others. A personality peppered with prankish acts of humorous enjoyment for all. A genuine and thoughtful friend who shared your ups, and your downs. A friend could always count on Levi for support. After trials,finally discovering himself. God always knew who Levi was. We all have feet of clay, but our eternal Father never gives up on us. And when we are called home, He promises to restore our soul, in His timing. Levi was a good looking guy. Had to be. He looked so much like his beautiful mother. Brown hair, freckles, beautiful smile that brightened everyones day.I will always remember the joy received when I dialed your phone, and I heard a sweet voice say "Beth Ann Morgan speaking". Much love, earl & phyllis.