Love your twin sister <3 Tiffany <3 1st December 2011

its been over a month and im just now coming up with enough words to write. i think im still set in the shock of it all. It seems like yesterday we were in kindergarten jokin about being brother and sister one day.... little did we know it would actually happen.! When that day came not only did i gain a brother, i gained a best friend, my rock, my shoulder, my everything... with that i never imagi...ned i would be saying goodbye to all of that few short years later. but its not a permanent goodbye, its only temporary. i miss calling you at 2 am just b.c im upset and cant sleep, i miss your loving bear hugs your voice your comfort. I know if God can bring you to it he can bring you through it, well God better have alot of backup because its taking alot to get through losing my twin. ♥ I know your up there being the best guardian angel ever. Please watch over all of us. Give me that loving comfort just like you always did. i love you bud ill see you soon , just not soon enough ♥